…the headline we’d rather not read …but very well may.
…the headline we’d rather not read …but very well may.
On July 7th London commuters died and were injured by bombs planted on the transit system while going about their business on what seemed a typical day. “Typical” became “horrific” almost as fast as you can say those two words. Even though the British are more accustomed to terrorist action, are better prepared for it and take a harder line with terrorists and their supporting organizations …no one was expecting it.
Here in Canada our politicians have patted our heads since 9/11 while comforting us that Canadians are not at risk. To prove their point, anti-terrorism measures have amounted more to lip service and another tax grab than to actual security …which is particularly troubling since what security we had beforehand had been decimated over time and was guided more by Liberal ‘politically correct’ doctrine than effectiveness. How weak and defenseless we've become!
I’m going to give Stewart Bell’s book ‘Cold Terror’ another plug here because Canadians need to WAKE UP and realize that we do not live in some lovely little polite cocoon, where we are insulated from all the world’s bad guys. We are, in fact, on the bin Laden hit list …because we’re westerners, we’re affluent, we sent troops to Afghanistan and we are non-Muslim …therefore we are infidels and completely expendable in the pursuit of their goals! So get the book (Cold Terror) read it twice and put away the rose-coloured glasses. (The sidebar has an Amazon link to the book and a summary is in the article here.)
Read the following statement carefully:
That statement is not fiction or conjecture …it is a FACT. It does not mean that the average Canadian approves of or assists terrorism by Hezbollah, the Tamils, al Qaida or any other terrorist organization. It does mean that our so-called elected ‘leaders’ have failed and continue failing to take terrorism seriously and implement effective measures to counter the threat. (Read the Cold Terror for all the details.)
In fact, our so-called leaders actually cavort with and endorse terrorist organizations headquartered in Canada because they do not want to isolate the voters in those related ethnic communities. What makes that particularly sickening is that the majority of people in those ethnic communities are being terrorized by those terrorist organizations to raise funds to support their causes. Our politicians, however, seem content to take the word of terrorist leaders and fund raisers that they are only raising money to buy tractors for their homelands. So they stand by, stand down, stick their hands in their pockets and present Canadians with a stream of rhetoric about how on-top of the situation they are and how safe we are ….WRONG.
Eventually it will be Canada’s turn to suffer a significant terrorist event. It might be the TTA suffering something similar to yesterday’s carnage in London. Perhaps it will be another Air India style attack. Maybe we’ll read about large bombs going off simultaneously on a couple of crowded BC Ferries! Or an airplane will fly into the Calgary Tower and topple it into the downtown core! Terrorists love big headlines!
When that occurs, what will those politicians say then? How will they spin the blame to the RCMP and CSIS (who they control)? But most importantly: What will each of us say to ourselves in the mirror, and how will we excuse ourselves for allowing it to happen, by allowing weak, self-involved, naïve and corrupt people to continue to hold the reins of control in this country?
Am I plugging Stewart Bell’s book? YES …because we all need more facts than have been spoon-fed to us by Ottawa!! Am I being ‘partisan’ politically? YES …because there is a long, long track record of Liberal governments making us weaker and more vulnerable, and an equally long track record of those same governments doing what benefits their lust to stay in power more so than what is best for the country as a whole. In fact, that’s not ‘partisan’ ..that’s just simple history!
The average decent, hardworking Canadian is no more a sponsor of terrorism than the average decent, hardworking American is a blood-thirsty war monger. Unfortunately in each country certain people have weaseled their way into power who are not there to benefit the country …only themselves. This brings me to the point I carp on and on about … WE need to get full and firm control of these elected clowns who run amok with our money, our futures, our security and our very safely. WE can only to that with FACTS and the FACTS we need to focus on will NOT be forthcoming from either Ottawa or the CBC.
Get with it Canada ...contrary to what Ottawa would have us believe, the world is a tough place with some nasty actors pulling some really dangerous strings. The political rhetoric sounds good to peace loving people, but when the firestorms rain down it will be they who are in the protective bunkers we paid for …not us. In Canada, we seem to have been taught that strength is synonymous with aggression …what a distortion of fact.
To have a strong, well-equipped military and properly funded and supported police agencies does not mean we suddenly embark on a course of world domination and internal Fascism …it means we are able to protect our peace and security in the face of those bad guys who are outside of as well as inside our country.
So, to the next Liberal politician who tries to tell you that a strong military will attract problems to us or that strong police forces or border security are not necessary, ask them two questions:
- 1) Who’s side are you really on?, and
- 2) Who’s country is it anyway?
Til next time …keep your heads down and your eyes & ears open!!
The Serf
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