“30 Days” becomes “whenever”
“30 Days” becomes “whenever”
Paul Martin’s ‘promises’ are as thin and useless as those of Jean Chretien when he PROMISED to scrap the GST … is this a surprise?
The Master of Democracy, Truth and Transparent Government PROMISED that a federal election would be called within 30 days of the release of Gomrey’s report.
Does anyone remember that? Do promises mean anything? Does the fulfillment of a promise (or not) relate to trustworthiness??
Then again, how accustomed are we to seeing ‘podium promises’ fulfilled? Not very, I would say. How typical of the “natural governing party” to offer any ‘carrot’ needed at the moment …with no intention of fulfillment … and with the full confidence that the ‘Canadian memory’ is short enough that it won’t matter if a little time can be bought to disseminate appropriate spin (with public money, of course)!
In a word, a simple word, the performance of Canadian “governance’ is simply this ,,, “DISGUSTING” … follow that ‘DIS’ word with “DIS-honest”, “DIS-ingenuous” and “DIS-service”.
Whenever that ‘promised’ federal election occurs, will we (as a country) be stupid enough to re-elect a dishonest party, lead by someone who has more allegiance to Power Corp, off-shore flags (shipping interests) and Liberal (Communist) puppet-masters than to Canadians as a whole?
(If you have any problem with the word “Communist” just read Pierre Trudeau’s history and book … you’ll educate yourself about the process and also understand why the only time Fidel Castro has left Cuba in over 30 years was to attend Trudeau’s funeral …in a suit & tie (not combat fatigues, no less).
We are seeing a scenario about to repeat itself (again) … Canadians get screwed by those they elect to serve them …Canadians re-elect the screwers because the screwers threaten Canadians with the loss of a social program the screwers invented to buy votes in the first place!
Side Note: “Social Programs” such as ‘health care’ and ‘old-age pensions’ … health care in Canada is a joke …just ask someone who has been seriously ill, needed a hip replacement or heart surgery! Old age pensions? … Do some research and see what the Criminal Code of Canada defines as a “Ponzi Scheme” … seems you or I would go to jail for operating the same ‘program’ as the ‘government’ operates on a day-to-day basis! Double standards …another thing that needs to go!
So here we are in the fall of 2005 when the ‘government’ PROMISED a federal election so the WE (the people) could (should) decide who will manage our federal affairs. And here we are, once again, holding nothing more than a hollow (broken) promise we’re expected to forgive (or forget) after enough excuses and/or spin through the delay process.
Politics as usual …in Canada.
Unfortunately, since we are not a real democracy, we have little to say about this problem … instead we are expected to shut up and listen to those who consider themselves our masters … and then “vote” them back into dictatorship to ‘lead’ us further down the road to ruin.
Notice how (as a distraction) the feds are now announcing financial aid for heating costs …right at the time when a promise is being broken. And while that political largess is being spread around … remember that the most significant portion of fuel costs is federal taxes … those same taxes that (as with most taxes) do NOT go to those purposes they are collected for … how stupid are we to buy into this time after time after time after time!
Liberal tactics to gain and maintain POWER (not service) are to use anything possible as ‘spin”. Last election it was the “aircraft carrier” nonsense …and now, in the fall of 2005 (when an election was promised) heating fuel costs have become the distraction (and carrot) which are expected to buy the votes necessary to cling to power … let’s call it what it is …a blindfold.
So now the promised election of fall 2005 is put off to 2006 (sometime) by the guilty party! … If I robbed a bank; could I determine when I would be tried and judged? Could you? Nope … of course, you and I are ‘expected’ to be far more accountable to those we hire to serve than those servants deem themselves to be accountable to their employers (us)! Does that make any sense at all?
As long as we continue to reward political dishonesty by re-electing dishonest politicians and parties, we cannot expect any improvement in political ethics. As long as we continue to say nothing we cannot expect to ever have a lawfully constituted and controlled government in this country. And as long as things continue as they are, the worse it will progressively get.
Ultimately, the best thing of all would be to abolish the party system and send all independents to Ottawa …independents who are ACCOUNTABLE to their employers (us) not party brass and power brokers.
Til next time
The Serf
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