… still a nation of those easily frightened, & those who want a federal nanny.
… still a nation of those easily frightened, & those who want a federal nanny.
Results are not all in yet but the critical polls are clear .. gratefully the Liberal Party has been expunged ..at least for a while.
It amazes me that a corrupt, arrogant and power mongering organization can be so successful at buying and intimidating its way into one seat …let alone multiple seats. It’ so blatant … tell me how the Liberal party fought this election on REAL ISSUES (of importance to the nation) versus fighting it on self-serving slander, dis-information and scare-propaganda.
This ‘defeat’ of the Liberals is largely hollow. Canadians who endorsed Liberal candidates in effect endorsed corruption and dishonesty. How do we, as a nation, accept that?
The NDP, lead by a charismatic salesman, faired very well. Interesting. Especially since NDP and Liberal values are so close … big government, big control and big transference of money from those who work and risk to those who feel entitled.
Gilles Duceppe has said tonight that he is willing to work closely with the Conservatives. The Liberals have demonized both Harper and Duceppe. Not a surprise since the Conservatives and the Bloc actually stand on similar principals … though from diverse directions.
Quebec wants what all provinces are entitled to …self-determination, self governance and self sufficiency. More power to them; they are an example ALL provinces should pay close attention to … read some history (or articles on this blog) to understand that.
The Conservatives want smaller, more accountable federal ‘governance’. The aims of their policy are to reduce the redundancies and over-control of Ottawa; to reverse the lax policy in Canada that allows criminals and even terrorists to call their own shots; to make government as accountable to Canadians as Canadians are expected to be to government! Noble motives and clearly anathema to those who want and expect us to be quiet, compliant, cooperative and dutiful to those who have deemed themselves our betters and masters.
Paul Martin said, tonight, that he is out of politics. Not his decision, I’m sure …more so the decision of the so-called ruling elite who pull Liberal strings. That being said, count on seeing a relative unknown named Michael Ignatief slipped into a safe riding and promoted.
He is being touted as the “next Pierre Trudeau”. Harvard educated, Liberally indoctrinated and a frightening prospect for Canada. The LAST thing Canada needs is another ‘Pierre Trudeau’ …the last one left us with enough confusion and grief!
Keep your eye on this blog because I’m going to personally expose and illuminate all and any propaganda the Liberal Party tends to spew to promote this DANGEROUS individual. If you, as a citizen and Canadian, have the least interest in the future of this potentially great country, you will reject and discount any suggestion that the new ‘Trudeau’ is anything more than a looming social cancer that will further suppress and destroy the credibility of this nation.
Thanks to the weakness of some Canadians, the self interest of others, the (taught) dependence of some and the selfishness of those who are too regional to be real Canadians … look forward to another visit to the ballot box way too soon.
Til Next Time Canada
The Serf
Congratulations, Serf for maintaining some level of dignity and sanity through the 2006 elections.
I will definitely be returning again to learn more about Canada through the eyes of someone who I feel I can trust.
Your friend south of the border,
Dear Freedom Loving serf Warrior.
Our group agrees with you as does several German universities. See our books on American feudalism at www.quikmaneuvers.com.
Your creativity in the Feudal Duchy of Canada is refreshing.
Perhaps we could work together?
Breaker McCoy
I just left this comment at CBC the CURRENT on an interview that was done with Senator George Baker, and former premiers Tobin and Peckford on NL's 60 years in confederation.
I enjoyed very much your show with Senator George Baker, former premiers Tobin and Peckford on NL's place in confederation 60 years on.
It was nice to hear an informed debate which didn't attack the messenger for delivering a message no one wants to hear. Myself included, that my country is systemically flawed and all of the national PROXY parties practise DEMOCRATIC DISCRIMINATION AGAINST MY HOME PROVINCE for partisan gain.
I ran as a NL-FIRST candidate in the last federal election because I wanted to give the people of NL a real choice from all of the national PROXY parties of the Upper/Lower canada majority tyranny, Mouseland.
No federal party can call a referendum, whether they be national in scope or nationalist.
You see it isn't the national PROXY parties we need to change it is our systemically flawed political system.
That is what the Meechlake and Charlottetown accords were about but because the systemically flawed political system works for the two principals ON/QU via their majority status of 66% of the population they don't want it to change and will never support any national party that endeavours to change it.
That is why Mr Harper nor any national political party will ever get a majority as long as he promotes a triple E senate.
Hope springs eternal in a democracy, unfortunately for NL with no equality and only per capita representation it is eternally hopeless.
The root cause of NL's woes in confederation is it's lack of equality all of the problems are only the symptoms.
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