Word is out that the Government of Canada plans
to embark on an
“Assault on the Underground Economy”.
An interesting conversation took place on open line radio today. Being interviewed was a lawyer who specializes in negotiating with the CCRA. The lawyer made it quite clear how the government deals with someone in tax arrears, and it certainly appears that the penalties for keeping your own money are far more severe than that meted out for making a bomb that blows over three hundred people out of the sky. To quote:
If you do not declare taxable income for more than one year, you have committed tax evasion. When you are caught, monetary penalties will be up to 250% of the tax payable and daily interest. In addition to the penalties, you will also have to pay the tax owing plus daily interest. If charged and convicted and you can’t pay the huge fine, prison is the alternative. Worse still a criminal record can put an end to your business and other travel outside of Canada.
Clearly the government takes what it deems to be an offense against itself far more seriously than offenses committed against regular people …people who have been robbed, assaulted, defrauded or murdered! Too bad government couldn’t take the little issues that concern so many of us, such as a retroactive sex offender registry, terrorism and drug trafficking as seriously as it takes its own selfish interests!
Interesting timing also that this would come out during a time when the government is under scrutiny for massive fraud and corruption! But its equally interesting that if a private company were to try to assess delinquent accounts at the same rates, the government would be prosecuting them for loan sharking! As a matter of fact, if that same private company were to try to raise or collect money in the same manner government does they would be breaching the Criminal Code on several levels!
This particular Serf has often wondered how it came to be that
governments feel entitled to a bigger percentage of a worker’s income than the worker is! Just doing some rudimentary math illustrates the point. Take a worker in the lowest bracket (27%) add GST at 5% (since a FEW items are exempt), add another rough 5% for UIC & CPP, now were at 37% …then factor in all the hidden taxes such as that on gas, factor in the tax paid on tax, factor in even more tax if you smoke or drink, etc. etc. …which means a minimum wage earner is parting with a good 50%! Earn more and get yourself in a high bracket and the liability goes up …way up! Once you have choked on that … factor in the provincial and municipal tax burdens and various fees!!!
For what do we pay? A universal medical system that is hardly universal and very dysfunctional because the government doesn’t have enough money to fund it properly. How about maintaining law and order and protecting us from society’s predators and vultures? No again …seems the government doesn’t have the money to properly fund that either. OK, how about enforcing and protecting national sovereignty? Wrong again … under funded & under-manned due to budget constraints! All right, the Canada Pension Plan! Wrong once more …in fact that plan has been referred to by financial experts as a “Ponzi Scheme” …which is classified as fraud under the criminal code!
Is there anything we are being forced to fund that is actually being properly funded? Let’s see now …Lifetime Pensions for Parliamentarians …yup, and fully indexed to inflation! Employee Benefits for Government workers …you bet and better than the private sector can afford! An armed forces administrative bureaucracy in Ottawa that out-numbers our standing army! A $500,000 income tax break for George Radwanski, a Chretien pal. (Clearly the rules cited above do not apply when you have the right pals) $1,000,000 to a Liberal Senator’s company to rent the unoccupied half of a building and another chunk of money to renovate the rented space they’re not using! The Sponsorship Program!! The Gun Registry!!! Shall I go on??
And for all this “good service", that is of such ‘benefit’, the Feudal Masters DEMAND the average man or woman in Canada provide a level of accountability far exceeding accountability offered in return …of course when you have the big stick, you can do that!
Who works for whom in Canada? Ahh yes, those with no stick work for those who have the big sticks! And if you had a stick the Masters would establish a new bureaucracy called the “Stick Registry” just to make sure they know who has the sticks they might need to watch out for. And you’d be forced to pay more tax to pay for the Stick Registry!
In 1950, the Supreme Court of Canada heard an interesting case …It was called the Lord Nelson Hotel Case. The case was between the Attorney Generals of Nova Scotia and of Canada. At issue was whether the federal government could legally or lawfully tax income directly – which was a right exclusively given to the Provinces in the BNA Act – The court unanimously decided that the feds could NOT have that power legally, nor could the province legally or lawfully transfer that power to the feds! In other words, the feds were collecting income taxes unlawfully! Now, if an average man or woman were told they were not allowed (by law) to do a certain thing, and continued to do it anyway, that man or woman would be in contempt of court …and punished accordingly!
Apparently those rules don’t apply to the self-appointed (elected) masters! Since about 1963 the "Federal Government of Canada" has been operating
IN CONTEMPT of THE SUPREME COURT of CANADA which, in the Lord Nelson Hotel case, ORDERED the "federal government" to remove itself from the business of unlawfully collecting income taxes!
That alone is interesting especially when you take into account that
the BNA Act was effectively nullified in 1931 when the Statute of Westminster was signed and Canada was released from any and all British influence, including British Laws and/or Acts (i.e. BNA)! Since then Canada has not created a duly framed and ratified constitution. However, Ottawa trots out the BNA Act when convenient …but ignores it when its not convenient …i.e. the Lord Nelson Hotel case!
Anglo Saxon Common Law and the Magna Carta were supposed to protect us from the abuses and excesses of government …but for that to work, governments must acknowledge the existence and responsibility of both …which is not the case in Canada …the Feudal System works much better for their purposes, and here we are, fellow Serfs ...just serfs!
See you next time!
The Serf