Healthy Citizens …or Healthy Control?
Today’s headline boldly stated “Dosanjh ready to get tough with private MRI clinics.” The copy went on to explain that Mr. Dosanjh, Canada’s Health Minister, hopes to avoid a “messy showdown” and having to “impose financial penalties” on four provinces for "violating the Canada Health Act" by allowing 33 clinics to provide private MRI and CT scans to patients in need.
PARADOX: To NOT "violate the Canada Health Act", provinces MUST violate our right to spend our 'after-tax dollars' on what ever legal product or service we choose to ...whether it's a bottle of vitamins, a CT/MRI scan or a new hip! One must truly wonder WHAT possibly makes Ottawa think it has the right to DICTATE to this extent!
Dosanjh said he wants the provinces to “tow the line.” Why? Well, according to Dosanjh, its just not right that those who can afford the after-tax dollars should “jump the queue” and address their own health concerns! After all, that’s a privilege reserved for the insider elite in Ottawa …right?
Let’s look at this in terms of the fundamentals instead of what we Canadians are so good at which is to let ourselves be drawn off the central issue and embroiled in microcosms and tangential squabbles that wouldn’t exist in the first place if the central problem were properly addressed!
First off, Ottawa -- in the political sense. What is Ottawa? We certainly know that Ottawa is a hotbed of control, power broking, influence mongering, double standards, hot air and self-serving political activities. Period. Secondarily, Ottawa is Canada’s central supply source of inflated, redundant, unnecessary and mismanaged bureaucracies …health department among the many!
Now that we have that in perspective, we are able to understand the primary motivations behind anything (everything?) Ottawa does …regardless of flowery political hyperbole (spin) that is shoveled into the media by the self-serving players involved. So the most important question is that stated above …is all this about “Healthy Citizens …or Healthy Control?” Those of us with room-temperature or better IQ will easily realize it is the latter.
Next, lets look at the author of the imperious pronouncements so direly reported in the news …Mr. Ujjal Dosnajh. Who is he? Ujjal is a lawyer (important note) who is now trying to do doctor thinking and doctor talk …seems pathetic, doesn’t it? Ujjal is also a former NDP Premier who was impaled by the public along with most of his political pals for putting British Columbia’s economy into the tank progressively over about ten years …so he’s a successful manager and statesman? Ujjal was also the source of a lot of sniggering when it was discovered that he, the illustrious Attorney General of British Columbia, had rented a home to a drug running operation!
Most recently Ujjal was a 'mandated candidate', hand-picked for a riding by Paul Martin to supplant the "people's choice" in the last federal election! (How democratic!) But of course all this has made Ujjal feel really important …so he can play tough guy on behalf of the most corrupt and self-involved political party this country has ever seen! Such stellar credentials …let’s all now bow down and supplicate before Ujjal and his pronouncements!
So, where are we at so far? We have a corrupt, self-serving, desperate-for-votes government that imposes a failed socialist ex Premier on constituents in a panic election, then puts all his legal ‘education’ to work playing ‘medical genius’. Sure makes a lot of sense …doesn’t it?
Sure makes a lot of economic sense too. What better way to take the strain off a floundering, inefficient, under-funded (despite so many taxes to fund it) public ‘health care’ system, than to prevent private citizens from spending their own money to address their own medical dilemmas!
A shining example of Liberal self-proclaimed benevolence and compassion to mandate that people stand in line and suffer …rather than illuminate the inefficiency of the public system by having the temerity to spend their after-tax dollars to help themselves. Is this starting to smell more like ‘control freak’ than ‘public service’? Me thinks something is rotten in Ottawa!
Realistically, the existence of private health care delivery is a threat to Ottawa’s credibility and all its tax and fee justifications that are attributed to “health care” …because it showcases Ottawa’s inefficiency, flawed management practices and skewed ideology. Furthermore, for private citizens to spend their own money in such a fashion flies in the face of traditional Liberal doctrine …to celebrate mediocrity and penalize success.
In the traditional Liberal view, nobody should be better off than the next guy! The graduated tax system and wealth redistribution being classic examples of that very socialistic (dare I say communistic?) ideology. So essentially, whether it’s ‘wealth redistribution’ or ‘health redistribution’, the overall philosophy is the same …unless, of course, you’re a member of the inner circle where those rules don’t apply, after all, they’re the special ones!
With such antics at so many levels in government, one must wonder where politicians expect to get their credibility from! Oh yes, I forgot, they give it to themselves and each other with fancy sounding titles …like “Honourable.”
Once upon a time, when a certain NDP Premier was going down in flames over scandals and mismanagement, a certain Friendly Neighbourhood Feudal Serf (who shall go nameless) explained to that failing NDP soon-to-be ‘EX’ Premier that “being regarded and treated as 'Honourable' is something to be earned, not just expected or conferred.”
The sad truth is that politicians rarely do the honourable thing because it is right to do so …they do it because they’re humiliated into it. Says a lot about the notion of “public service”, now doesn’t it?
Til next time
The Serf
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