Canada is a 'feudal system' disguised as a democracy. Since 1931 we’ve been 'governed' by cozy deals brokered between politicians running amok. Canada is bereft of a constitution & we have little effective control over government, its abuses and its waste. To become a real country, we must become a nation of united inhabitants who understand it is we who are the masters, and the politicians and bureaucrats are the servants. Until then we’re nothing more than a 21st century feudal society and modern-day feudal serfs. This blog will remain largely Canadian-focused. For international issues visit

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Thursday, April 21, 2005

Rather than Gagliano – Sew his lips shut!

Behold what manner of man is this
who spews self-serving hypothesis?

Alfonso Gagliano …a wanna be elder statesman … recently eschewed his dire warnings for the future of Canada in the Ottawa Citizen. ‘The BQ will sweep Quebec!’ …’PQ will sink Charest!’ …’Goodbye Canada’ …’Quebec will call a referendum and it will be all over for us!!’

It would seem the Noble Nimrod Gagliano is saying, between the lines’ that this is all going to happen because he and Lord Jean (la Weasel) Chretien were caught red handed, and because the Dithering Duke Paul Martin called for an inquiry that has exposed the depth and breadth of Liberal infamy. He further appears to imply that ‘if only he and his ilk had been left alone to continue their fraudulent schemes that all would have been OK’ …so shame on us for our anger and outrage over their little AdScam program …after all, it was only a couple hundred million of someone else’s dollars! Isn’t that a small price to pay to keep Quebec?

A hundred million dollars (or more) which the excusists and apologist spin meisters refer to as “a drop in the bucket” relative to overall federal spending! Proportionally that may be factual. However, perhaps we should personalize those millions a little and realize that those dollars were TAKEN largely from those who could little afford to part with money just for the sake of bribing Quebec! Who were those people? For example they were and are;

  • Children who went without adequate nutrition because the family’s after-tax budget was so sparse.

  • Seniors who still get taxed and who live on pensions for life-long work that are pocket change compared to the pensions politicians have generously awarded themselves with tax dollars.

  • People who were struggling to keep a mortgage paid once they’d been taxed and over deducted.

  • People who had to forego medical and dental work because their after-tax dollars wouldn’t stretch far enough.

  • People who damaged their health with the stress involved with keeping households and families afloat after being taxed to death.

  • Homeless people who could have been helped with those diverted tax dollars.

  • Military personnel who could have had better equipment.

  • Under-staffed RCMP detachments struggling to stay on top of growing crime because the government-directed judiciary won’t take them off the streets.

  • etc. etc. etc.… victims of CRIME as surely someone mugged by a repeat offender!

It’s doubtful any of those people would consider a hundred million dollars plus “a drop in the bucket!!” …and let us not forget that the money is question is just what we know about and could be just the tip of an iceberg! And of course, we won’t even consider the additional usual waste such as a thoroughly bloated bureaucracy and pet projects such as gun registries!

Now, about that frightening specter of Quebec separation, and the vote-bullying it has provided for governments over time …it’s the biggest, most long-standing hoax perpetrated in this ‘country’s’ history! How is that possible? Two simple facts explain it.

  1. Since 1931 (Statute of Westminster), when the 1867 “confederation was dissolved & nullified, the Provinces of Canada have never formed a lawful union of any sort (nor written a national constitution) with the consent or ratification of the ‘Canadian’ people (see the ‘democracy article) and therefore Quebec has never faced any obstacle (legal or otherwise) to operate distinctly on it’s own. Following that …

  2. On November 23, 1976 a letter was sent to Premier Rene Levesque (Quebec’s Patron Saint of Separation) right after his election. The letter was from Walter F. Kuhl (MP Jasper-Edson 1935 – 1949) and in that letter Mr. Levesque was provided with all the documentation necessary (including the details of the above) which would have allowed him to take Quebec on its own immediately and without repercussion. With that proof in hand, Mr. Levesque did NOTHING …because the threat of Quebec separation, held over the heads of an uninformed public who were (are) under-informed, gullible and all too willing to just believe what spills out of politicians at a podium, was just TOO BIG A CASH COW to walk away from …something that has been proven over and again between cash transfers (legitimate and fraudulent) in addition to all the special considerations not extended to any other province.

Skeptical, oh fellow feudal serfs? If so simply do a little homework and read the Official Record of House of Commons Debates …Hansard. The edition you will want to read is November 8th, 1945 where Mr. Kuhl addressed Parliament with all the facts.

Tonight, the Dithering Duke Paul Martin will take to the air waves in an attempt to convince Canada that he’s OK, they’re OK and if we’ll let them keep their jobs WE will be OK too …and will explain to us the Big ‘C’ corruption is preferable to Little ‘C’ Conservatives.

Can’t you just image how the speech will start out? …

“Good evening my fellow Easterners …ohhh, ummm …I meant CANADIANS …NO I really DID mean Canadians …someone changed my speech when I wasn’t looking …I don’t know who it was and its not my job to check my own speeches! ….”

And on and on and on it goes because we all know where the vote-rich seats are!

Till Next Time
Your Modern Feudal Serf!

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