The idea of democracy is that free men and women enjoy freedom to chose, speak travel and think …at least that’s the theory!
How easily the words “freedom” and “democracy” roll off the tongues of Canadians, particularly when we are talking about here versus some third world nation. Comparatively we are certainly better off, but how free are we really? Let’s think about that…
We’re free to own land …well at least the top few inches …anything further down that may be valuable the government claims ownership of …and which the government offers as chattel on huge federal debts owed to international banks!
Land 'Ownership' Sidebar: The issue of land "ownership" is a poignant example of feudalistic structure. The paperwork and jargon use the term "owner" ...but the reality does not support the use of that term. If you own something it is yours to do with as you will ...period. Not so with land.
First off your municipal government will dictate what you can build on 'your land' and then will tax you to the extent you improve 'your land' or the structure(s) you decide to build (or improve) on 'your land' to the extent they determine. Secondly, because you only 'own' the topsoil, not what lays beneath it, your security of 'ownership' and even residence is at risk because the federal 'government' claims ownership of the earth and it's contents below the topsoil you 'own'. That means they claim for themselves absolute right to the mineral value below you among other things.
What happens if the feds decide they want to exploit the deeper use of "their land" --for whatever purpose? Clearly your home, landscaping, garden, pool and prize roses would be in the way and a nuisance relative to their needs and plans. For them to look good (and perhaps perpetuate the notion that you 'own' the land) a financial offer will be made ...usually below fair market value, as many have found out.
If the 'land owner' (theoretically you) chooses to stand up for their rights and demand fair compensation, 'negotiations' can break down ...which is when the word "expropriation" comes up. Let's be honest, "expropriation" is really just another word for "eviction" by an annoyed 'master' for not cooperating with his wishes. In feudal times the peasants were allowed to use land as well ...for as long as they did what they were commanded, and paid the master his taxes. Some things never change. So do you still feel free? you still feel like a 'land owner'?'d be mistaken if you do!
We’re free to travel …provided we have paid the fees for drivers’ licenses and vehicle permits, paid the taxes for fuel ond accommodation …paid for a passport to verify citizenship …paid airport improvement and airport security fees …paid for a fishing or hunting license if we want to live off the land, paid the fee for a camping spot and so on!
We’re free to accumulate wealth …so long as we pay the government at least 50% of gross earnings along the way, pay more tax on the earnings on after tax savings, pay tax on the sale of assets we have bought with after tax dollars, pay tax on purchases made with after tax dollars, pay accountants to navigate the ridiculous complexities of the tax system, pay banks to store our ‘wealth’ …and even pay tax on our remaining income when we die!
We’re free to protect ourselves from aggression or oppression …so long as we don’t do it ourselves …provided we don’t harm anyone, even those who would harm us …provided we can hire a lawyer to navigate an overly complex court system that appears to care more about courtroom choreography than about facts and truth …provided we accept that our protection is on the other end of a 911 call to agencies that are ridiculously under funded and under staffed!
We’re free to enjoy good health and medical care …unless we try to pay for it ourselves with our after tax dollars …provided we pay premiums for access to a health care system, the funding of which is the stated reason for so much of the initial tax burden we carry …provided we are willing to wait (often in pain and deteriorating further) in line in a horribly mismanaged public health care system. …provided we can afford to buy (with after tax dollars) additional services and coverage) the public system won’t cover …and provided we can even find a doctor who is taking on new patients or a hospital that has an available bed!
We’re free to elect politicians to represent our collective will …NOT. We “elect” people every few years who stand at a podium and apply for the job with great speeches …and once we’ve hired them what we get for our money and faith in democracy is a salesman for the party who tells US what THEY think we need, should have, can do and can keep!
Believe it or not, an ‘elected’ individual is under NO legal obligation to listen to a single thing you or I say! But you need not believe me …instead you can believe Justice, E.A. Marshall of The Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta who heard docket number 9012000725 on the 10th of December 1990. Apparently some constituents brought suit against their MP for his failure to represent their wishes. In Justice Marshall’s decision he said:
“ I know of no legal duty on an elected representative at any level of government to consult with his constituents or determine their views. While such an obligation may generally be considered desirable, there is no legal requirement.”
So much for that democratic “freedom” …it seems, more accurately, that we are free to elect people to do what they want and tell US what to do! How democratic!!
Sure we have “freedom” …so long as we do what we’re told, pay the price, submit the required fees …so we’re “free” as long as we can afford freedom!
In reality we are feudalized serfs who pay for what freedoms we enjoy, which are at the discretion of those we employ in government, and we somehow convince ourselves we live in a free, democratic society!
In closing I shall present you with some proof that you are, in Canada, actually ‘owned’ almost from the moment of your birth ...not as free as you might think!
When your parents completed the form for the Certification of Live Birth shortly after you were born, they entered 'given names' and 'family' name. The family name was/is not part of your given name; but is only a reference name.
The Crown in right of your birth Province then fraudulently created a legal fiction/legal identity name by including your family name as being part of the name on the birth certificate. This name is then 'assumed' to be associated with your physical body. A 'certificate' is a money value instrument.
The 'legal identity', which the Crown names a 'person', is given a credit value and used as chattel as a hypothecation for government loans from the international bankers. The chattel value is based upon potential labour to be confiscated at a later date by the Crown in the form of taxes, primarily income tax, and now GST.
Thus, by this devious method, you have had a contract of servitude imposed upon you in violation of basic contract law and in violation of the Statute of Frauds (Br. A.D. 1677). This imposed contract then "OUTLAWED" you in violation of Section 39 of the Magna Carta (A.D.1215 - Revised A.D. 1225); and thus, unlawfully removed your Sovereign Status.
Oh, and for any of you who say this can't be true because this is 2005 and the laws quoted we're from the 12th and 16th centuries ...that's only because you've bought in to some serious disinformation!
Yup, we’re sure free …free to be serfs ...and pay for the privilege.
Til next time
The Serf
1 comment:
Independants for Independance!
Start a group, organization, or party if you will to support independents. Similar to a co-op unsure about the co-op fees issue partisan and sponsorship issues? (Sponsorship pun intended)
Statement of intent!
-Municipal politics principles and format.
-Everybody votes independently in the House of Commons.
-Leader is chosen voted on from among the elected independents by the elected independents.
-Could even go one further and have municipal electees voted amongst them selves to represent province or federal?
-If possible a common set of base goals and policies. This may not be appropriate detract from the independent spirit?
Shared objectives and campaigning practices
-Centralized Fund raising
-Centralized list of candidates, emails, Ph numbers, Web pages
-Help Enlist candidates
-Enlist volunteers to help independents
-Sharing of thoughts and ideas discussion to hone campaign platforms
-Internet fund raising centralized and accountable with all books open and published online.
-Dissemination of funds according to number of constituents or possibility of election?
-Bulk advertising cheaper.
-Centralized head quarters for all candidates.
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