Jack was nimble
and Jack did dash
to trade his ethics
for some Liberal cash!
What if Jack were a policeman? And what if Jack the policeman suddenly began colluding with the neighbourhood crime family provided they were to turn over some cash to Jack the policeman’s favourite cause?
Answer: Jack the policeman would find himself under criminal investigation for it …Jack would be immediately suspended …and Jack would find that aiding and abetting, even for what he thinks is a good cause, makes him as bad as the bad guys! To Jack it seems OK to support a blatantly corrupt organization as long as he is getting a piece of the action!
To think that the NDP bill themselves as Canada’s ‘moral guardians’, our ‘ethical supervisors’ and the country’s ‘voice of social conscience’! Jack’s willingness to support an utterly corrupt government in exchange for some grand NDP ideal is absolutely no different than Liberals excusing fraud, extortion, misappropriation of funds, theft and other criminal activities because of some grand plan they had!
Once again we see the same old double standard coming out of Ottawa …what is an offense if an 'ordinary person' perpetrates it is justifiable if government does so because they’re government! How feudal is that? The Lords and Masters write what ever rules suits them best, but the peasants below must comply, conform and adhere …or else.
How does this keep happening? How can they continue getting away with it? Well, its easy to blame Easterners for continually putting such people in office, but the real reason is that we have no effective control over government at a far more fundamental level. There are no firm rules that governments feel obliged to live by, and that is particularly true when any semblance of a rule happens to interfere with political objectives.
Why don’t we have proper rules?
Answer: Because we have been denied the opportunity to exercise our rights as free people to democratically draft and approve an actual constitution, which is a set of rules that governs governments.
How did that happen?
Answer: Because after the Statute of Westminster was signed in 1931, which set us completely free of ANY sort of British rule or governance, successive governments have FAILED to provide the means for us to do so. Anything you have read or heard about a “Canadian Constitution” is a snow job that relies heavily on the average Canadians’ ignorance of our own history. The power brokers at the top have not wanted to trust their futures to the will and wisdom of the people! We have been denied the opportunity to decide our own circumstances and destiny because those who deem themselves our betters and masters do not want to give up any of the power to use and abuse that they currently enjoy.
“Feudalism” is the theme of this blog …issues such as this one particularly underscore that true “democracy” is not ours. Since the moment of our defacto freedom (1931) from domination as colonies of the British, we have been TOLD (not asked) what we can have, how we can have it and so on by people who cling to the assumption of power and governance, but in fact have no constitutional authority (or framework) to do so.
There are many confusing stories presented over the years and the Pierre Trudeau repatriation one is a whopper.
Fact: As of 1931 nobody but us, you and I, the collective body have had the right to decide what our form over governance shall be …by virtue of drafting and ratifying a democratically accepted constitution. The feudal lords have denied us that, and we have become defacto serfs and peasants.
The only Province that has come remotely close to operating as it should, politically, is British Columbia. The Campbell government encouraged the formation of a Citizen Assembly to decide how elections should be conducted in BC. Good for Campbell!
This is EXACTLY the process that should have been set in motion right away in 1931. Citizen Assemblies from each province meeting to draft a Constitution …then putting it to the test in a referendum. That way we, not those who would like to dominate and control us, have established the rules and have become the masters of our own land and our own national destiny.
Once we have done so, if we are ever “allowed” to to so … guys like Jack won’t have the opportunity to barter collusion for favours.
Till Next Time
The Serf
1 comment:
Independants for Independance!
Start a group, organization, or party if you will to support independents. Similar to a co-op unsure about the co-op fees issue partisan and sponsorship issues? (Sponsorship pun intended)
Statement of intent!
-Municipal politics principles and format.
-Everybody votes independently in the House of Commons.
-Leader is chosen voted on from among the elected independents by the elected independents.
-Could even go one further and have municipal electees voted amongst them selves to represent province or federal?
-If possible a common set of base goals and policies. This may not be appropriate detract from the independent spirit?
Shared objectives and campaigning practices
-Centralized Fund raising
-Centralized list of candidates, emails, Ph numbers, Web pages
-Help Enlist candidates
-Enlist volunteers to help independents
-Sharing of thoughts and ideas discussion to hone campaign platforms
-Internet fund raising centralized and accountable with all books open and published online.
-Dissemination of funds according to number of constituents or possibility of election?
-Bulk advertising cheaper.
-Centralized head quarters for all candidates.
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