…our number one health threat is political ideology!
…our number one health threat is political ideology!
OK fellow serfs, lets get a few facts straight:
- Canada belongs to us …not Ottawa
- Our skills & labour belong to us …not Ottawa
- Our incomes belong to us …not Ottawa
- Our property belongs to us …not Ottawa
- Our freedom belongs to us …not Ottawa
- Our bodies belong to us …not Ottawa, and
- Our health belongs to us …not Ottawa.
Got it? Good! Now lets proceed with a few other pertinent facts because we Canadians have been far too lax about standing up for ourselves and our natural rights under natural law.
Once you have voluntarily surrendered at least 50% of your income to Ottawa, what you do with the balance is nobody’s business but yours …not even Ottawa’s! If you choose to spend your ‘excess’ income to promote, maintain or repair your own health, that is your business …not Ottawa’s.
Ottawa has no moral, legal or ‘constitutional’ right, prerogative or privilege to legislate, regulate or mandate that you or I must endure ill health, pain, suffering or risk of premature demise …which is (in effect) the result of bad management and Ottawa’s obsessive control issues pertaining to health care delivery in Canada. Restricting your right to spend your after-tax dollars on your own health violates the Magna Carta (yes, it still applies), your rights under Anglo Saxon Common Law (yes, it certainly still applies), as well as under the 'Canadian Bill of Rights'!
Secretly, Ottawa likes the availability of private medical facilities that do take pressure off the public system …it means less financial liability to them. The fine of $75,000 levied on British Columbia recently is a joke …on scale its about equivalent to you or I being fined a penny for speeding while not wearing a seat belt in an unlicensed car after four double martinis. Fines are supposed to be a deterrent and must have sufficient impact on the wallet to make it uncomfortable ...therefore providing incentive not to repeat the infraction. A minuscule fine such as that one is simply window dressing to support the political rhetoric.
Speaking of rhetoric, lets get a definition straight. Those who rabidly defend our current inefficient, under-funded and over-burdened system use the term "jump the queue". The use of this language implies that someone with more means is getting 'preferential treatment' and is blatantly false, misleading and inflammatory!
Someone who uses their own money to provide their own health care is 'leaving the queue' ...not "jumping" it. This misuse of language is intentionally aimed at making those who cannot afford to leave the queue jealous and resentful of those who are able to do so. Of course, this represents decades of 'Liberal indoctrination' that pushes Canadians toward mediocrity moreso than achievement and excellence.
Ottawa knows the math quite well. If you have 20 people in a line and two remove themselves (at their own expense) then you only have 18 left …the 18th person in line will have a two-person shorter wait, and the system will have two people less to pay for. What part of that would be a math challenge for a second grader? Ottawa also knows full well that we already have a multi-tiered health care system …they just don’t mention it. Just as they don’t mention that politicians make ample use of those ‘other’ tiers not to mention those 'evil American facilities'!
Those who think Ottawa cares the least about service delivery in health care are fooling themselves. The real issues (from Ottawa’s perspective) are very simple …their issues are only about power and control …in the same fashion they seek to control just about everything else! Think how much political and economic power there is for Ottawa in having total control over the health care system.
To do that, all you have to do is think back to the last election and remember how Paul Martin, regardless of what question was asked, droned on and on and on about health care …and about the disaster that would occur if the wicked Conservatives were allowed to "destroy health care" and replace it with an “American-style system". (Forget for a moment that there was no factual basis to those hysterical claims.) Martin had people running scared enough, over that one item, to literally forget all about the AdScam scandal and therefore vote the Liberals back into office ...even in the face of demonstrable fraud and malfeasance by those same Liberals!!
As a further measure of control, think about how many taxes and fees are justified in the name of “health care” ...then think about how nice it is for Ottawa to control all those revenues and use them as a stick to influence the behavior of the provinces! The really aggravating part is that under the so-called ‘constitution’ that Ottawa trots out when convenient, “health care” is exclusively a provincial jurisdiction …as is direct taxation (income tax.) Yet Ottawa has continually taken more control of those exclusively provincial powers, and with that control the massive cash flow stemming from them. That same cash is then held for a 'ransom' to be paid in the form of political cooperation and/or capitulation to Ottawa's demands by the provinces!
The provinces literally must then go begging, cap in hand, to Ottawa for funds that should NEVER have left the provincial treasuries in the first place. That, my fellow serfs, is called C-O-N-T-R-O-L and with that comes P-O-W-E-R. If you think your health or mine is of the least importance in this game you’re sadly mistaken …the raw truth is that you and I are (in the big game) expendable. We exist only to provide Ottawa (at least in Ottawa’s opinion) with whatever Ottawa wants or demands.
Next time some political weasel like Ujjal Dosanjh tries to tell you they are “working hard on health care”, hear that statement for what it really means …that they are 'working hard to have absolute CONTROL over health care' …and if that lust for control means your mother or mine spends 18 months or more in pain, waiting for necessary surgery …well she’s simply part of an ‘acceptable casualty level’ while the larger political aims are being achieved ...or should that be that "thieved"?
Til Next Time
The Serf
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