…it’s a wholly Holy issue!
The Liberal Party (temporarily the Government of Canada) is clearly running scared …again!
Riddle me this, Batman ...When is a position not a position?
The answer, of course, is when its part of Liberal rhetoric or a Liberal platform. Have you ever noticed (of course you have) that when the Liberals debate an opposing point or position they do so with slander, disinformation and/or fear …rather than with facts or plans?
Tony Valeri stood up in the House of Commons recently (as a good scared Liberal) and announced that Canadians should be afraid of the “unholy alliance” represented by Stephen Harper. Huh? Just a minute now, wasn’t the line Liberals used until now that we should be afraid of Harper and company because they are an ‘extreme religious right’? OK Mr. Valeri, The Serf is officially confused as to what it is the Naturally Dishonest Party of Canada is trying to warn us of! Are we supposed to fear Harper and friends because they are ‘too holy’ or 'too unholy’? Please clarify this for us. Oh, sorry, I guess you can’t do that …you’re a Liberal and therefore firmly planted on whichever side of the fence serves your immediate political needs!
Let me think now: We are faced with the choice between the “unholy alliance” (according to the Liberals) of Stephen Harper, or the 'unethical alliance' of Liberals and more Liberals …with some NDP socialists thrown in because they’ve been paid for. OK …if you want me to choose, Mr. Valeri, I think I’d have to go with Harper & Co. since their ‘unholiness’ is UN-PROVEN (sorry, Tony, your rhetoric doesn’t constitute proof in my mind), versus choosing Liberals who (despite waiting for a few dotted ‘i’s and crossed ‘t’s due in from Justice Gomery) have clearly been caught [Liberal] red-handed with both hands, one foot and a snout in the proverbial cookie jar! Was that supposed to have been a tough choice? Speculation versus proof??
Gurmant (Secret Squirrel) Grewall may be an opportunistic nimrod …but nothing he’s done is anywhere near as covert and sneaky as Liberal Party antics have been shown to be. Ujjal (Nudge, Nudge, Wink Wink) Dosanjh and Tim (I’m The Man) Murphy illustrate the fact that the Liberals are still quite content to operate under-the-table …but what else is new? It seems to me that the Liberals are on pretty shaky ground to be making value judgments about ANYONE …that includes Harper, Grewal, Conservatives in general or anyone else domestic or foreign!
What’s worse is that once again Liberal tactics take the forefront in the form of scare-mongering rhetoric …just like those phantom Conservative “aircraft carriers.” Joseph Goebels would be proud of the Liberals for their mastery of his propaganda doctrines! 'Just keep repeating the lie and sooner or later it will be accepted as fact.' Sadder still is that it SURE SEEMS TO WORK!
And while all this ‘entertaining’ political intrigue is going on in the House of Commons, not a single meaningful issue is getting due attention while a lot of well paid spoiled brats point fingers at each other or go “nya nya nya nya nya”. Meanwhile millions of over-taxed Canadians are at work sweating over putting in enough time or producing enough results to have an after-tax income that can support their families. And the Liberals want a logo to underscore the “nobility” of the House of Commons? Funny, I wasn’t aware that ‘inbred’ was spelled “n-o-b-i-l-i-t-y”!
What a sickening, pathetic show (just check with Nina Grewal if you don't believe me …she’s likely watching CPAC right now.) What a revolting waste of the money supplied by all those millions of honest, hard-working Canadians working without the guarantees, perks and pensions of those who consider themselves wiser, smarter, better and more important (oh …don’t forget “noble”.)
Have I mentioned we need an actual constitution in this country?
Til Next Time
The Serf
PS: You may want to re-read 350,000,000 Reasons and Oui The People
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