Liberal MP's call for new House of Commons logo
OTTAWA - Opposition MPs could barely contain their laughter on Parliament Hill yesterday when a Liberal motion to create a new logo for the House of Commons to recognize the nobility of government was put up for debate.
“Nobility of Government” …isn’t that an oxymoron? If not, it’s a knee-slapper of a joke coming from the mouth of a Liberal Member of Parliament! However, since your friendly neighbourhood Feudal Serf is always up for a challenge, I had the talent at Tactical Graphic Design come up with an image based on some suggestions that came immediately to mind! So, without further guilding or lilly …taa daaaa!
Of course, the opposition responded with riotous laughter ...what else could they do? Applaud? Of course not, they’re the opposition …but is was funny!!
That’s it! …your Feudal Serf is officially becoming a ‘separatist’. Not the kind you’re thinking though! Actually I’ve been thinking about this for a while …let me explain.
Our Parliamentary system functions on the basis of political parties counter-balancing each other by virtue of debate in the House of Commons. Theoretically that should work …except it doesn’t because of one glaring flaw. The flaw is that from about one second after any particular election, politicians of all persuasions are on the campaign trail setting up for the next election.
Those in government are busily spending money that’s not theirs to ensure votes for next time, and opposition members are opposing government initiatives because its their job to oppose ..thus the name “opposition”. The trouble is that they oppose for the sake of opposing, not necessarily because the proposition is a bad one! This leads to a lot of confusion in the public and a lot of wasted time an energy on capitol hill!
The other problem with this system is that we end up with the sort of political polarity we have ..the either or … the devil you know versus the devil you don’t, etc. It means that the broad spectrum of thought across the minds of all Canadians is forced to side with one of a very few ideological options represented by a few ideological parties. To me this doesn’t seem to be very representative of popular opinion, will or wish!
Another problem stemming from the party system is that any given party is always pushing to conduct ‘social engineering’ along the lines of their particular ideological bent! This is not the job of government to conduct social engineering …or re-engineering. The real job of government is to administer …simply administer the practical affairs of the nation. Parties bring into effect a certain ‘gang mentality’ that forces itself upon us.
So I’m suggestion separatism …that is, to separate all those parties into individual members. Abolish parties. Every MP elected would be an independent and accountable to those who hired him or her …period. Motions introduced in the house would be debated by those individuals and then voted upon by those individuals. It seems to me that such a system would force better scrutiny of ideas, slow down the process enabling more thorough examination and debate and would eliminate forced block voting to ram ideas through.
We all know that most MPs are simply back-benchers who raise their hands to vote on issues in accordance with what the party brass has commanded …not in accordance with what their constituents want. And don’t forget that according to law in Canada (law written by politicians) an MP is under NO legal obligation to pay any attention to the wishes of constituents …regardless of anything promised at the podium during an election!
Effective recall would be a definite requirement too …if someone begs us at the podium for a job and we give it to him or her, then turns around and ignores our wishes, we need to fire that person and hire someone who listens! How many times have you heard someone complain that ‘government never listens to us’? Well, “political parties” are the reason …so a house full of independents who can be fired for not listening to their bosses (us) is definitely the solution!
This just makes too much sense! Imagine it! What would you call a country that is actually governed in accordance with the wishes of the people (the rightful owners & masters of the country)? Personally, I’d call it a “DEMOCRACY.” What a concept!
Till next time, and have a great weekend!
The Serf
PS: Your Serf now has a Picture Page where any graphics posted here wil be kept! Feel free to download and circulate any images you want ...they're mine, I paid for them and even Ottawa cant tell me what to do with my own property!
1 comment:
Democracy.... WISHFUL thinking!
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