Canada is a 'feudal system' disguised as a democracy. Since 1931 we’ve been 'governed' by cozy deals brokered between politicians running amok. Canada is bereft of a constitution & we have little effective control over government, its abuses and its waste. To become a real country, we must become a nation of united inhabitants who understand it is we who are the masters, and the politicians and bureaucrats are the servants. Until then we’re nothing more than a 21st century feudal society and modern-day feudal serfs. This blog will remain largely Canadian-focused. For international issues visit

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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Golden Rule Thrives in Canada

Remember – “He who has the gold, rules!”

Ottawa not only collects, often by devious means, a disproportionate percentage of Canadian incomes, it also hoards the cash as if that cash was it’s own for exclusively its own purposes. This seems odd given that Ottawa is not a deity to whom tribute is paid …Ottawa is a servant of its collective master – us. Ottawa is nothing more than the custodian of public funds that must be fairly redirected back to the public in order to serve the pubic good and public need, and for the purposes they were collected in the first place! At least that’s the theory!

Have you ever noticed how the federal ‘government’ seeks to claim more power and more control in addition to more money? Control …that’s the issue and money is the vehicle that underpins the Golden Rule – “he who has the gold, rules.”

The gold serves as the bait …bait for cooperation, bait for concessions and (more often than not) bait for votes …votes that collectively establish ongoing power and therefore control! We don’t seem to get it that we give Ottawa so much of what it wants in exchange for dollars that were (and are) ours to start with!

The first really great question is; “Why do we send all that money to Ottawa in the first place?” The second really great question is; “Where did Ottawa get the idea it is ‘owed’ anything?” If you listen, you’ll often hear the expression “federal government dollars” from either politicians or often those in media. We seem to have heard it so often, over time, that (ala Joseph Goebels) we have come to believe it! Such is true of many other things as well.

The name Joseph Goebels is synonymous with "propaganda". Goebels was the minister of propaganda for the Nazi government of Adolph Hitler and spread the wild stories of German racial superiority and ultimate victory in World War II. Generally propaganda is "any systematic, widespread, deliberate indoctrination by way of deception and/or distortion." Joseph Goebels certainly did all of that and although I’m not suggesting anyone in Ottawa is a Nazi, the fact is that Goebels’ ‘teachings’ are well established as method to control mass thinking. One of the more famous maxims is that ‘if a lie is told often enough it will eventually be accepted as the truth.’

A recent example of this method in action was during the last federal election where Liberal candidates all chorused the lie that the Conservatives were going to “buy aircraft carriers.” Remember that? There was no question that was an outright distortion and lie …yet the public bought it after hearing it often enough …regardless of obvious and demonstrable facts to the contrary!

Back to the gold …the lie that its their money to do with as they will …a lie that has been told over many years and now is just accepted without much question. In the recent confidence vote over the budget OUR money was used to BUY the support of the NDP in the house! Jack Layton may claim that he redirected spending for noble purposes and to some degree that may be true.

However, the bottom line is that he endorsed a corrupt government in exchange for funding for his own political agenda. Had Layton wanted to demonstrate his moral convictions he should have FIRST ensured that the corruption and dishonesty was swept out FIRST. After that Mr. Layton could have tested his noble goals before voters …but since he had no confidence of mass support he sided with the Liberals. And poor Jack, little does he know that all those dollars he sold out for will never find their way to those he wanted them to go to …regardless of the promises made to him by Martin and company who can find any number of ways to squirm out of keeping those promises!

How much of gas taxes ever turn into transportation infrastructure? How many of those tax dollars collected in the name of healthcare actually get spent on doctors, nurses and equipment? Do income taxes pay for services? (no they don’t, they just pay interest on the debt) It just goes on and on and somehow for all the money collected, the government is always too broke to pay for anything properly …unless of course its something on their own agenda and particularly when its coming up on election time …then the money seems to fall off trees.

Our own money is used to control us … shouldn’t we stop that? We need a proper constitution with rules made by us (the people) for those we hire in Ottawa to abide by. Its just that simple and just that urgent …before things get even further out of hand!

Til next time!
The Serf

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out this nightmare.

See, lots of things are more painful than fiscal irresponsibility :-)