Canada is a 'feudal system' disguised as a democracy. Since 1931 we’ve been 'governed' by cozy deals brokered between politicians running amok. Canada is bereft of a constitution & we have little effective control over government, its abuses and its waste. To become a real country, we must become a nation of united inhabitants who understand it is we who are the masters, and the politicians and bureaucrats are the servants. Until then we’re nothing more than a 21st century feudal society and modern-day feudal serfs. This blog will remain largely Canadian-focused. For international issues visit

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Monday, April 18, 2005

Confeder ...What? Confeder ...Who?

If only we serfs were as interested in our own history as we are in that of our southern cousins! Somehow I think we live rather vicariously through them
...yet are jealous of them at the same time!

Must be the 'Canadian identity schism' that’s grown from the lowly hyphen ...[Whatever]-Canadian ...much as a lowly virus causes Bird Flu ...the consequences either way are weakness and sickness (not to mention the fact that we're getting plucked along the way!) But I digress!

Let me tell you, fellow Serfs, it's no accident that we are so divided amongst ourselves. Our Masters long ago figured out that to secure their grasp on the throne firmly, it was imperative that the peasant class (us) spend more time suspecting and quarreling with each other than keeping an eye on the ruling class, their vassals and cohorts!

So along came the hyphen, wrapped in a shiny package, tied with a big red bow, labeled “Multiculturalism Canada” ...'divide and dominate' perhaps? Behold the peasant class arguing amongst themselves about who is getting more or less goodies, attention, consideration, rights, favours and recognition, to mention a few. Thank goodness for the Charter of Rights …the document written for us and handed down from on-high by the Great Prophet Trudeau – because it clarifies issues and solves all this bickering so efficiently!

I must concede that we serfs of Canada have a good excuse therein for not closely studying the history of the land ...we're too pre-occupied defending our future needs to explore the facts of history that would explain the difficulties of tomorrow ...another schism!

Well at least it's our own schism! However, the downside is that we are not paying attention to what is, and what has over a long time, been going on right beneath our noses. On those rare occasions when we have questioned something, more often than not our Masters have told us its ‘none of our business’, and that we should just ‘toil quietly and pay the taxes due to our Masters on time!’

We operate today, and everyday, in accordance with a false understanding of our own history, and particularly about who the real masters are …namely us, the ones who now fulfill the role of ‘feudal serfs!’

We believe that Elizabeth is the Queen of Canada and that Adrienne is her proxy. We believe we have a Constitution. We believe we live in a democracy where we (the people) have some say in how this country operates, and in what direction it is developing. All false beliefs!

How could Elizabeth be our Queen (let alone Adrienne her proxy) when England sent us off on our own in 1931, and gave us our complete independence from them when the Statute of Westminster was signed? The Statute of What? You ask! Its a small piece of paper … with huge power …our power.

Where is the “Canadian Constitution” we hear about? What document is that? When was it written and by whom? Some insist it’s what used to be called the British North America (BNA) Act. There’s some twisted history for you … because the BNA was canceled, along with English rule, right there in the Statute of Westminster as well! Since that time, scour history as much as you like, there is no record of the people of Canada drafting and approving an actual constitution!

All of which addresses the third falsehood … What democracy? In a democracy the people write and collectively ratify the rules (a constitution) …then elected ‘employees’ live by those rules! That’s the way a “democracy” works …should work. Not in Canada apparently.

The “rules” have been written along the way by those for whom the ballot tolls ...the politicians. And since we have never written or ratified a constitution since 1931, we have never given ‘government’ a set of rules to operate within on our behalves. Consequently, the politicians have done this “for us” (for themselves more correctly) along the way … rules handed down by a small cadre of people claiming power and governance are hardly ‘democracy’.

Perhaps this explains the accountability deficit that is rampant in ‘government’ …not to mention the abuses. Perhaps it explains why ‘representation’ is so skewed regionally. It definitely explains why we are the serfs …because we have allowed this situation to occur over time through gullibility, through ignorance of our own history, and through apathy about gathering together and taking control of the situation … but then again, we do have those hyphens to keep us busy!

So here we have our feudal land …we can’t truly own what’s under our feet, we can’t keep but a small portion of the fruits of our labour, and we have no say about being fleeced, nickeled and dimed or paying taxes on tax because there is no real penalty for anything our masters foist upon us. No surprise there ..they wrote the rules for themselves …and we serfs are expected to just be quiet, orderly and to remit to Caesar (accurately and on time) lest we be figuratively flogged by the minions of they who wrote the rules. No democracy here!

See you next time
The Modern Serf

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