Canada is a 'feudal system' disguised as a democracy. Since 1931 we’ve been 'governed' by cozy deals brokered between politicians running amok. Canada is bereft of a constitution & we have little effective control over government, its abuses and its waste. To become a real country, we must become a nation of united inhabitants who understand it is we who are the masters, and the politicians and bureaucrats are the servants. Until then we’re nothing more than a 21st century feudal society and modern-day feudal serfs. This blog will remain largely Canadian-focused. For international issues visit

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Monday, October 17, 2005

Become a Co-Conspirator


The Tesla Conspiracy

Gas prices are at record highs and the price of crude oil is only going up. The cost of electricity is skyrocketing, making it nearly impossible for most people to keep cool and safe during the blistering hot months of summer. Winter will be here soon and many won't be able to afford the outrageous cost of heating oil. We are teetering on a global energy crisis.

What would you say if I told you that for almost 100 years the technology has been available to provide the world with nearly free energy, an energy source that was self- renewing and virtually harmless to the environment? What would you say if I told you oil and energy companies were conspiring to keep these technologies away from us so that they can make maximum profits, regardless of the suffering it caused?

Would it make you mad?

Would it make you mad enough to do something about it?

Who was Nikola Tesla?

Nikola Tesla, born 1856, was an unusually brilliant inventor and engineer of Serbian descent who came to the United States at the age of 28.

Though too many to list, some of his greatest accomplishments were things like:

  1. Creating Alternating Current (AC) (1887)
  2. Designing the first electrical generating plants on the Niagara (1896)
  3. Taking the first X-ray images (1891)
  4. Creating neon and fluorescent lighting (1891-2)
  5. Being the real inventor of broadcast radio
  6. Fathering the science of robotics

What was the Tesla Conspiracy then?

The historical conspiracy associated with Nikola Tesla started at the time of his death. In 1901, Tesla patented a device that could draw electricity directly from the atmosphere. In a documented experiment for the Pierce Motor Car Company in 1931, Tesla built that technology into a vehicle that could run continuously on this free electricity.

Directly after his death, agents of the United States Government raided Nikola Tesla's living quarters and prevented his family from entering. Later, when his family was allowed access to Nikola’s room, it was reported by his family that all of his technical writings and research had been confiscated.

Over the years, many brave and creative souls have endeavored to recreate the many different works of Tesla. A great number of those people have been threatened, have had their work and property destroyed, and in some cases, have disappeared or died.

What is the Tesla Conspiracy today?

The Tesla Conspiracy of today is a fictional feature film that endeavors to expose a far-reaching conspiracy being perpetrated by various oil and power companies to suppress the possible surfacing of any of the alternative energy technologies created by Nikola Tesla, technologies that would create incredibly inexpensive and reliable energy.

“Why,” you ask?

Good old-fashioned greed is why!

Over the course of the last three years, the producer of the Tesla Conspiracy has worked diligently to bring to light the truth of what is happening with regards to the energy crisis in America and throughout the world. For the last three years, numerous investors have shown ecstatic interest and support for the Tesla Conspiracy. Strangely enough though, many of these investors have, abruptly and without reason, pulled their support of the movie. The producer has been told on several occasions that “THEY” would never let him make this movie.

Well, those who we can call “THEY” have sorely underestimated the tenacity of this filmmaker. “THEY” have under estimated all of you.

The producer of the Tesla Conspiracy has decided to take this film to the people to show the power structure that “WE” will not be kept in the dark. We will not be slaves to the gas pump or the generator. We are offering all of you the opportunity to conspire against the people who have for so long conspired against you.

How do you become a Co-Conspirator against the power and oil companies?

For a minimum contribution of $5.00, your name will be credited on the Tesla Conspiracy website as a Co-Conspirator.

After the film’s completion and release, the producer of the Tesla Conspiracy will host a series of events/concerts at various locations in the United States and possibly abroad as a show of appreciation for all who contributed/participated.

After you participate it is imperative that you contact every single person you know and get them to participate as well and then for them to get everyone they know to do the same!

Regardless of whether you’re an environmentalist who wants to save the Planet from the damaging effect of oil consumption, or a conservative who is tired of dependency on foreign energy sources, we can all agree that the United States and the world at large need a new energy policy and the technology to go with it. We can all agree that it is ridiculous to pay $3.00 for a gallon of gas or $300.00 for a month’s worth of electricity.

Even if you can only spare a couple of bucks for the cause, do it, IT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Thought you might like to know this

Til next revelation
The Serf

PS: is the address where you can arrange to donate money or assistance to this worthy cause!


NL-ExPatriate said...

I want to take a life insurance policy out on you. Because THEY are coming for you LMAO.

Great piece where on earth did you find it?

So is it cold fusion or potato power?

The Serf said...

Ahh the pitter patter of little bureaucratic feet! Amazing how those little feet also sound like scurrying rats!

If you'd like some really interesting reading about cold fusion and some major food for thought, Goole search "Dr. Eugene Malove" expert in cold fusion and oddly murdered last year ...adding to the long list of top scientists who have gone missing, been murdered or have died very oddly over the last couple of years. More Interesting reading, if you like, at

When this sort of stuff starts to sink in, one begins to understand the gun registry a little deeper??

The Serf